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Paste assistant Assistant

Icons List

UI, Twilio Product, and Logo icons that are available in the Paste icon system.

When using any of these icons be sure to follow the usage guidelines carefully and don't forget to read the manual installation page to ensure you have the correct dependencies when adding icons to your application.

UI Icons

UI icons are the general collection of icons that can be used in most user interfaces. They are most commonly used in conjunction with performing an interaction.

Show details for:Accept
Show details for:AddList
Show details for:AddSeries
Show details for:Agent
Show details for:AlignLeft
Show details for:AlignRight
Show details for:AlignVerticalCenter
Show details for:Archive
Show details for:ArrowBack
Show details for:ArrowDown
Show details for:ArrowForward
Show details for:ArrowUp
Show details for:ArtificialIntelligence
Show details for:Attach
Show details for:Attachment
Show details for:AutomaticUpdates
Show details for:Available
Show details for:Bold
Show details for:Build
Show details for:BuiltIn
Show details for:Business
Show details for:Button
Show details for:Calendar
Show details for:CallActive
Show details for:CallAdd
Show details for:CallFailed
Show details for:CallHold
Show details for:Call
Show details for:CallIncoming
Show details for:CallOutgoing
Show details for:CallTransfer
Show details for:Cart
Show details for:Chat
Show details for:CheckboxCheck
Show details for:CheckboxLine
Show details for:ChevronDisclosure
Show details for:ChevronDoubleLeft
Show details for:ChevronDoubleRight
Show details for:ChevronDown
Show details for:ChevronExpand
Show details for:ChevronLeft
Show details for:ChevronRight
Show details for:ChevronUp
Show details for:Clear
Show details for:Close
Show details for:Cloud
Show details for:Code
Show details for:Collapse
Show details for:ColorPicker
Show details for:Column
Show details for:Community
Show details for:ConnectivityAvailable
Show details for:ConnectivityBusy
Show details for:ConnectivityNeutral
Show details for:ConnectivityOffline
Show details for:ConnectivityUnavailable
Show details for:Copy
Show details for:CreditCard
Show details for:Custom
Show details for:CustomerCare
Show details for:DarkMode
Show details for:DataArray
Show details for:DataBarChart
Show details for:DataBoolean
Show details for:DataLineChart
Show details for:DataNumber
Show details for:DataObject
Show details for:DataPieChart
Show details for:DataString
Show details for:DataTable
Show details for:Database
Show details for:Delete
Show details for:Delivered
Show details for:Dialpad
Show details for:Directory
Show details for:Disable
Show details for:Divider
Show details for:DoNot
Show details for:Documentation
Show details for:Download
Show details for:DragHorizontal
Show details for:Drag
Show details for:DragVertical
Show details for:Edit
Show details for:ElasticSIPTrunkingCapable
Show details for:Email
Show details for:Emoji
Show details for:Error
Show details for:Expand
Show details for:Export
Show details for:FaxCapable
Show details for:Feed
Show details for:FileAudio
Show details for:File
Show details for:FileImage
Show details for:FileVideo
Show details for:FileZip
Show details for:Filter
Show details for:Flag
Show details for:Folder
Show details for:Git
Show details for:Heatmap
Show details for:Hide
Show details for:History
Show details for:ImageText
Show details for:Inbox
Show details for:IndentDecrease
Show details for:IndentIncrease
Show details for:Information
Show details for:Italic
Show details for:LightMode
Show details for:LinkExternal
Show details for:Link
Show details for:Loading
Show details for:Lock
Show details for:LogIn
Show details for:LogOut
Show details for:LowerHand
Show details for:MMSCapable
Show details for:Menu
Show details for:MicrophoneOff
Show details for:MicrophoneOn
Show details for:Minus
Show details for:Mobile
Show details for:More
Show details for:Neutral
Show details for:New
Show details for:Notes
Show details for:Notification
Show details for:OrderedList
Show details for:OutOfDate
Show details for:Pause
Show details for:Payment
Show details for:Pin
Show details for:Play
Show details for:Plus
Show details for:ProcessDisabled
Show details for:ProcessDraft
Show details for:ProcessError
Show details for:ProcessInProgress
Show details for:ProcessNeutral
Show details for:ProcessSuccess
Show details for:ProcessWarning
Show details for:RaiseHand
Show details for:Record
Show details for:Redo
Show details for:Refresh
Show details for:Repeat
Show details for:RepeatPurchase
Show details for:Reset
Show details for:SMSCapable
Show details for:SMS
Show details for:ScreenShare
Show details for:Search
Show details for:Select
Show details for:Selected
Show details for:Send
Show details for:Sent
Show details for:SentimentNegative
Show details for:SentimentNeutral
Show details for:SentimentPositive
Show details for:Share
Show details for:Show
Show details for:Shrink
Show details for:SkipBack
Show details for:SkipForward
Show details for:Social
Show details for:SortAlphabetical
Show details for:SpacerVertical
Show details for:Star
Show details for:Stop
Show details for:StopScreenShare
Show details for:Store
Show details for:Strikethrough
Show details for:Subscript
Show details for:Success
Show details for:Superscript
Show details for:Support
Show details for:SystemStatus
Show details for:Task
Show details for:TextAlignCenter
Show details for:TextAlignJustify
Show details for:TextAlignLeft
Show details for:TextAlignRight
Show details for:TextFormatClear
Show details for:TextFormat
Show details for:TextHighlight
Show details for:Theme
Show details for:ThumbsDown
Show details for:ThumbsUp
Show details for:Time
Show details for:Tip
Show details for:Token
Show details for:Tour
Show details for:Transfer
Show details for:Translation
Show details for:TrendDown
Show details for:TrendUp
Show details for:Unarchive
Show details for:Underline
Show details for:Undo
Show details for:Unlock
Show details for:UnorderedList
Show details for:Unpin
Show details for:Unsorted
Show details for:Unsubscribe
Show details for:Upload
Show details for:UploadToCloud
Show details for:Upsell
Show details for:User
Show details for:Users
Show details for:VideoOff
Show details for:VideoOn
Show details for:VoiceCapable
Show details for:Voicemail
Show details for:VolumeOff
Show details for:VolumeOn
Show details for:Warning
Show details for:WebCapable
Show details for:Winback
Show details for:ZoomIn

Logo Icons

Logo icons represent various Twilio products and brands. When using the Twilio logo please follow the brand guidelines on how to do so.

Show details for:LogoPaste
Show details for:LogoTwilio
Show details for:ProductAIAssistants
Show details for:ProductAPIExplorer
Show details for:ProductAccountDashboard
Show details for:ProductAddOns
Show details for:ProductAdminAccessControl
Show details for:ProductAdminAccounts
Show details for:ProductAdminDomains
Show details for:ProductAdminResoldCustomers
Show details for:ProductAdminSSO
Show details for:ProductAdminUsers
Show details for:ProductAlarms
Show details for:ProductAssets
Show details for:ProductAudiences
Show details for:ProductAuthy
Show details for:ProductAutopilot
Show details for:ProductBilling
Show details for:ProductCLI
Show details for:ProductChannels
Show details for:ProductChat
Show details for:ProductCodeExchangeCommunity
Show details for:ProductCodeExchangePartner
Show details for:ProductComms
Show details for:ProductConnectedDevices
Show details for:ProductConnections
Show details for:ProductContactCenterAdmin
Show details for:ProductContactCenterAssessments
Show details for:ProductContactCenterQueues
Show details for:ProductContactCenterTasks
Show details for:ProductContactCenterTeams
Show details for:ProductConversationalInsights
Show details for:ProductConversations
Show details for:ProductDebugger
Show details for:ProductDestinations
Show details for:ProductElasticSIPTrunking
Show details for:ProductEmailAPI
Show details for:ProductEngage
Show details for:ProductEventLibrary
Show details for:ProductEventStream
Show details for:ProductEventStreams
Show details for:ProductFax
Show details for:ProductFlex
Show details for:ProductFlow
Show details for:ProductFrontline
Show details for:ProductFunctions
Show details for:ProductHome
Show details for:ProductInsights
Show details for:ProductInterconnect
Show details for:ProductInternetOfThingsEmbeddedSIM
Show details for:ProductInternetOfThings
Show details for:ProductInternetOfThingsNarrowband
Show details for:ProductInternetOfThingsProgrammableAssetTracker
Show details for:ProductInternetOfThingsSuperSIM
Show details for:ProductInternetOfThingsTrustOnboard
Show details for:ProductInternetOfThingsWireless
Show details for:ProductJourneys
Show details for:ProductKeys
Show details for:ProductLive
Show details for:ProductLogs
Show details for:ProductLookup
Show details for:ProductMapping
Show details for:ProductMarketingCampaigns
Show details for:ProductMessaging
Show details for:ProductMicrovisor
Show details for:ProductNotify
Show details for:ProductOneAdmin
Show details for:ProductPayConnector
Show details for:ProductPhoneNumbers
Show details for:ProductPrivacy
Show details for:ProductProtocols
Show details for:ProductProxy
Show details for:ProductRegional
Show details for:ProductReverseETL
Show details for:ProductSDK
Show details for:ProductSegment
Show details for:ProductSendGrid
Show details for:ProductSettings
Show details for:ProductSourceSchema
Show details for:ProductSources
Show details for:ProductStudio
Show details for:ProductSupport
Show details for:ProductSwitcher
Show details for:ProductSync
Show details for:ProductTaskRouter
Show details for:ProductTraits
Show details for:ProductTrustHub
Show details for:ProductTwiMLBins
Show details for:ProductTwilioOrg
Show details for:ProductUSSD
Show details for:ProductUnify
Show details for:ProductUsage
Show details for:ProductVerify
Show details for:ProductVideo
Show details for:ProductVoice
Show details for:ProductVoiceIntelligence


Install using React

import { AcceptIcon } from "@twilio-paste/icons/esm/AcceptIcon";

const ComponentName = () => (
  <AcceptIcon decorative={false} title="Description of icon" />

Be sure to read the quick start guide page to ensure you have the correct dependencies.